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Non-NHS Patient Services

We care about the services we provide to our patients

We strive every day to deliver the highest quality private services to our patients.

Some services fall outside the scope of the NHS and therefore incur a fee.

In general, Marsh Medical Practice does not undertake non-NHS work such as:

  • Occupational driving (HGV, taxi) and employment medicals
  • Fostering and adoption medicals
  • Firearms and sporting medicals
  • Letters for employers/schools

There are a range of private companies who are able to provide these services but we are unable to make any recommendations.

Marsh Medical Practice will provide reports that are requested directly to the Practice by Government agencies or their representatives (such as DVLA, Department of Work and Pensions, Capita) and some insurance companies.

Some travel vaccinations are not provided by the NHS and incur an additional charge. Please discuss your travel plans with our nursing team at least 8 weeks prior to your departure date and they will advise you on the recommended vaccinations and costs.